Sunday, April 24, 2011

A date - according to my brain?

Ok, have you ever looked forward to a date? How do you picture a date with someone you really like? Here is my version of it. You get nicely dressed up, then you'll be taken to a restaurant. (doesn't have to be a super fancy one - maybe something like Yard House / in CH a Pizeeria) anyways.. that's what I had in mind (and here it is again why it is called "Inside Claudia's Brain") I went on a date with Brent, thursday night. Later, I kind of understood that when he said "let's go and get some dinner" he truely had just food in his mind. (Why can I not be inside Brent's Brain?) so we go to town - not to mention that I actually got dressed up - and he askes me "where do you wanna go" all girlie I say "this time you choose". (My mistake - of course) so he thinks for a couple of seconds and then he answers: "ok let's go buy some sandwiches and eat in the park". Yes, if you have an unbelievable look on your face, you know ecaxtly how I looked. At that time my brain goes a 100 miles an hour. To late, I let him make the decision and here we are now, sitting in a park and eating our sandwiches... After the first shock was over I have to admit it was kind of funny... maybe even romantic.

As a conclusion I have to say, the next time, I ask if we are going on a date or not.... that might help, and if not I will wear something more comfortable.;-)

P.S did I say the sandwiches were great.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Can you imagine, that I'm happy? Happier than I've been in the last two years? Ok, first I think it has to do with the sun. Berne is experience a spring which was never like that before. So, I credit that first to that.

But as I wrote before, that it is important to have constantly something to do, keeps me from just get bored. In the last 4 weeks, I haven't been bored. I started reading. More or less 3 books at once, and it is so great to do that. I increased my preparation for meetings and personal study. I even started to do some math again. I can't believe all of that gave me such a boost, I wonder why I didn't do that before. As a result of that I have more energy. I mean I'm still getting tired, I still take my pills and see a psychatrist, but I feel good. I don't know why and how it happened, but it definitely feels great.

One other thing.. today I acctually took out my sowing machine again. WOW it was fun.. mmmh I wonder if I should sow my own skirt instead of buying it. I'm looking for something specific maybe, that might be easier than searching for it.

Well, my planes for this week are simple, work.. :-( I have so many meetings, I hope I get everything done. Do you have that sometime, that you go to work, and after a whole day working, your having your hours, but your real work needs still be done, that's how it will be. But, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about.. especially because friday is a holiday.. so I guess I will grab some books and sit (hopefully) in the sun and enjoy those great stories....
which leads me to the most important question of to day: Am I able to write a book? Is there anyone who would read it? I keep thinking about it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The start

Ok, you might think why do I write this Blog. It is an experiment. My brain sometimes seems to work at least 1 mio miles an hour. I admit that might be a little bit exagerated, but to me it just feels this way.

I started reading this book, it is called "the drama of being highly skilled". (Das Drama der Hochbegabten) It might seem to be a bit arogant, to actually think something like that about onesself. But I thought, why not give it a try. That's why I'm here sitting and writting this blog.

Have you ever feeled that others cannot understand what you are talking about? Does it seem to you that others are a bit slow sometimes? Ok, that's how it is for me. Which doesn't necessarly mean someone is highly skilled, but it definitely doesn't make it easier.

Funnily, I tried to explain how I think to my dear husband the other night. I made the example of a labyrinth, that my thoughts are going through... well what did I read in the book.. obviously I'm not the only one thinking like that. Just to clarify, I'm not talking of a labryrinth, that you might think I could get lost. Have you ever heard of a labyrinth in a kretish style. That's what I'm talking about.

I am very fascinated by this book, because I find so many logical expanations. Don't get me wrong, I don't walk around considering myself being "highly skilled" but obviously I'm not abnormal in so many things, just different.

I will try to explain my thoughts in this blog, mainly to have a ventil for my brain. Who knows maybe someone enjoys reading it....

My goal you might wonder is to practice writting, and one day, I might be able to write a book. I dream to write a thriller... so let's see where this leads to.