Monday, June 4, 2012

My laziness with writing

I have so many ideas, that I would like to share.. thoughts that are in my brain and need to get out.. and what is the result? I remember that I wanted to put them into writing on my blog when I lay in bed. Ever happened to you? I guess so. But maybe the best idea is to stick to KISS (keep it simple and stupid), so I guess I will try to write more, but just sort of short thoughts.. 

My role model? Becky, she is so awesome when it comes to write her thoughts down. I love to read her blog entries.. and keep thinking to myself.. I would like to be able to do that as well. 

Life keeps us all busy, so we have to steal time, for everything.. service, reading, studying.. and relaxing.. sometimes I wonder how long are we all going to be able to endure that?

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaawwww... so sweet! I'm sure I write things that others wish I would keep to myself, like when I get irritated! I'm so glad you like to read my blog, I like to read yours too. It is a great way to express ourselves and I usually find that even if I don't know what to write about but feel like writing, I just start and out flow the thoughts. Very therapeutic. A beer helps too!
