Tuesday, June 5, 2012

At school

Yes, you read right. I'm sitting at school. It is so extremely boring. Not so much the subject, that I actually think is really useful. But my teacher... I can't find words. I think it would do him a lot good if he would attend one of our meetings, just to see, how to give good talks. 
I have to sit at school for about 8 hours each week, and he keeps talking non-stop, and thinks he is soo funny.. whereas he is just boring. We keep playing games on the internet, reading newspaper, or as I do right now, writing my blog. At least, this gives me the time to do that...
It's only about 20 more minutes or so... and then I'm done for today. 

But the weekend will be planed with doing my assignment. We have to write a paper about acquiring a new business, and to justify why that is done. So I definitely know what my weekend looks like. Reading and writing. 

If anyone has an idea about, how to get motivated about school or doing homework, please let me know.. I'm taking any advice! :-) Or at least how I can survive 8 hours of boring bla bla bla... 

Anyway, we are still waiting for a respond about the apartment we'd like to rent. Unfortunately, we haven't heard anything so far. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

My laziness with writing

I have so many ideas, that I would like to share.. thoughts that are in my brain and need to get out.. and what is the result? I remember that I wanted to put them into writing on my blog when I lay in bed. Ever happened to you? I guess so. But maybe the best idea is to stick to KISS (keep it simple and stupid), so I guess I will try to write more, but just sort of short thoughts.. 

My role model? Becky, she is so awesome when it comes to write her thoughts down. I love to read her blog entries.. and keep thinking to myself.. I would like to be able to do that as well. 

Life keeps us all busy, so we have to steal time, for everything.. service, reading, studying.. and relaxing.. sometimes I wonder how long are we all going to be able to endure that?